Saturday Spotlight: Travis Linnemann, Class of 1992 🎓

Every week, we highlight an MHS alum and share their journey beyond high school. This week’s Saturday Spotlight features Travis Linnemann, Class of 1992, whose path led him from football victories to academia.

From the Gridiron to the Classroom

Travis had big dreams of becoming a high school teacher and coach, but life took him in a different direction—one that eventually led him into the world of criminal justice and social welfare for 15 years.

His academic journey didn’t stop there. In 2011, he earned a Ph.D., and after teaching in Virginia and Kentucky, he returned to Kansas in 2019 as a professor at Kansas State University.

MHS Memories: Big Wins and Big Pranks

Looking back on his high school days, one moment stands out—beating Topeka Hayden in the state football playoffs. Winning that game in the snow made it even more unforgettable.

And like any good high school experience, there were some well-executed pranks. Travis and his friends were responsible for some legendary antics, including:
😆 Realtor signs mysteriously appearing in Nolan Schramm’s yard
📰 Newspaper stuffed in tailpipes
🎭 Morrissey stickers placed on unsuspecting vehicles

A Time of Burgers and ‘Fast Times’

Like many MHS grads, Travis had a go-to cafeteria pick: burgers and fries—a classic choice!

And when it comes to pop culture, nothing captures the era quite like Fast Times at Ridgemont High, which defined his high school years.

Looking Back and Moving Forward

If Travis could relive one day from MHS? That playoff win against Hayden. The excitement, the competition, and the celebration were moments he’d love to experience again.

Today, as a professor at K-State, Travis continues to influence and shape young minds in higher education, proving that even when plans change, the journey can be just as rewarding.

A Few More Fun Facts

🎤 Hidden Talent? Maranda might not be a magician, but she can touch her nose with her tongue! (Impressive, right?)
📺 Defining Show of High School? Saved By The Bell – a true classic that brings back all the nostalgia!

Want to Be Featured in a Future Saturday Spotlight?

We’ve worked through our backlog, and we need YOUR story next! If you’re an MHS alum, we’d love to hear about your journey. It only takes a few minutes—just fill out our Alumni Spotlight Questionnaire 

Let’s keep celebrating the amazing alumni of MHS! 🎉

#MHSAlumni #SaturdaySpotlight #BulldogPride

Originally posted by Marysville High School Alumni Association via Locable
Marysville High School Alumni Association

Marysville High School Alumni Association

PO Box 305
Marysville, KS 66508